
Tanghe Ichtegem

TANGHE was created in 1880. Since then it has become a strong brand in construction.

The company is distinctively present through its concrete plants. The largest has a mixer of 3.5 m³, thus ensuring a throughput of 120 m³/hour. The company also delivers an impressive range of materials for both private and industrial construction.

Concrete and construction materials are optimally being delivered by its own fleet of 20 trucks.

The qualified staff at TANGHE guarantees service and quality. Having its own research and control laboratory is also one its trumpcards.

It contributes to the development of product novelties, such as the self-compacting concrete (SCC), and particularly the selfleveling and compacting concrete. For the latter also known as RDC (Rheodynamic Concrete), TANGHE is the only company in Belgium for which quality and concept are being guaranteed by the SECO-quality label (for its specifc characteristics) and this in addition to the BENOR label.

For its construction materials TANGHE has entered into an alliance with the Gedimat group. This ensures a wide range of products for the professional market at competitive prices. A show-room and warehouses, on a site of more than 3 Ha, can show all roof, bricks, building materials and tools to help the client.
Group DC Concrete site