
DC Industrial

DC INDUSTRIAL works by herself of teams up with other companies on a project base. As an example a Joint Venture of the company DC Dredging b.v. (Netherland based) and a partner was created,with the purpose of achieving all construction and dredging work in Belgium and abroad.

The dredging, de-watering and treatment of the contaminated sediment in the Harbor of Brussels from a floating treatment installation is one of numerous examples. DCI-SVH is a Joint Venture set-up between DC  INDUSTRIAL, belonging to the Group De Cloedt, its dredging contractor DC Dredging and the contractor Heyrman De Roeck based in Beveren (Belgium). The Joint Venture aims at beach replenishment work
(such as the beach in Ostend for example) and the environmental dredging of inland waterways.

The company is based in Brussels-Belgium. The company has set itself a goal to obtain all harbour and marine dredging work as well as fluvial and general waterways dredging work. France is a very atractive market for the company with many maintenance dredging contracts executed. The partners have all necessary dredgers needed to carry out such projects: suction dredgers, cutter dredgers, buckets dredgers, pontoons and dipper dredgers, barges as well as other civil construction equipment in order to carry out its projects. All polluted sediments coming from similar work may be treated in the specialised environmental treatment centres of the Group De Cloedt.

With its experience class A8, DC Industrial can dredge everywhere and follow all levels of tenders.

DC Industrial has obtained experience in Belgium, in Denmark, in the United Kingdom, in the Netherlands, in Germany, in France and in Western Africa.

Contacting us

DC Industrial n.v.
Gachardstreet 88 b.12

T. +32 (0)2 647 12 34
F +32 (0)2 640 48 13