

All sales, logistics and trading activities in the Netherlands are carried out on behalf of Group de Cloedt by GRANUMIX in Breskens, Holland.

GRANUMIX is a company specialising in the distribution of various types of sand, gravel and stones on the Dutch market.

Marine aggregates have been used for many years in neighbouring countries. GRANUMIX expects a growth in demand, particularly for sea dredged sand used in theconcrete industry. This is due to the growing opposition to new land-based sand exploitation, whilst, at the same time, existing quarries are running out of sand.

All our products are desalinated and provided with a KOMO certificate, CE label, and a « clean soil » certificate based on the Dutch « Construction Materials Act »

GRANUMIX is ready to face future challenges with an interesting development programme, covering not only various types of sand and gravel, but also limestone, gneiss, sandstone, armorstone and road construction materials.

From its offices GRANUMIX organises both trade and logistics, arranging road and truck deliveries and shipping by sea or inland waterway. Clients can also collect goods direct from one of our depots.
Group DC Aggregates site