

Gover is a joint-venture including the dredging company DC Dredging.

Gover won an 11 year concession from the Flemish Government to dredge 3,5 millions tons of sand at Lochristi near Ghent. DC Dredging uses its own cutter suction dredger - the Hoogerheide- to dredge this sand,which is then stored in a sedimentation basin. The sand is subsequently sold, washed or not, after having been screened.

Contractors and concrete plants from the surrounding area have been delighted to take advantage of these new products. A concrete plant is located on the site.

Société d'Exploitation des Carrières d'Yvoir S.A. (S.E.C.Y.)

On July 12, 2013, the Société d’ Exploitation des Carrières d’ Yvoir SA (SECY) (Yvoir) Company , previously owned  by Ballast Nedam was sold  to the De  Cloedt group. The new owner is one of its subsidiaries, Granulats et Sables de Wallonie sa. This sale is part of the De Cloedt Group strategy which aims to strengthen its position in aggregates.
The sandstone quarry in Yvoir (Belgium) provides high quality hard sandstone aggregates, which are mainly used in the production of asphalt and for  railroad production. Some calibers are also used for the manufacture of concrete products. Ballast Nedam acquired the quarry in 1995. It produces annually 600,000 tons of crushed stone.
Granulats et Sables de Wallonie sa, the SECY Group and the  De Cloedt Group  have maintained a business relationship for many years. This transaction will enable this collaboration to enter a new phase in guaranteeing the continuity of the interests of customers, employees and all other stakeholders involved with the company.


Carrières Du Fond des Vaulx S.A. (CFV)

On 16 th January, the shares of  Carrières du Fond des Vaulx (CFV) at Wellin (province of  Luxemburg) and Wellinvest, formerly owned by Cimescaut, were bought by Group De Cloedt (DC Industrial nv) and Switex sprl who each acquired 50%  of  CFV and Wellinvest.
These investments confirm Group De Cloedt’s strategy of aiming to strengthen and consolidate their position on the Belgian and European aggregates market.

CFV is producing limestone aggregates whose EC 2+ and Benor gauges for Belgium and “Granulats Certifiés” for Luxemburg are mainly used in readymix concrete, concrete  products, buildings, construction, road and public works, asphalt industry, railway ballast, the agricultural sector, soil cleaning projects, coastal defences, etc. The quarry produces annually 800- 900.000 tonnes of crushed stones.

This joint acquisition enables the new shareholders, two well-known Belgian family owned companies, to guarantee the development of the CFV activities, taking into account the long-term expectations of its customers and employees , the environment  and the good relations with the local municipal Wellin authorities.
Group DC Aggregates site